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Health|Vaxxine Detox

Stew Peters With Dr. Ariyana Love – Vaxx Hydra Rapid Human Cloning

Stew Peters With Dr. Ariyana Love – Vaxx Hydra Rapid Human Cloning

By Dr. Ariyana Love

“That Thing” was discovered in the Covid Vaxx under microscopy by Dr. Carrie Madej and released on Stew Peter’s Show, on September 29th. It turned out to be a transgenic Hydra Vulgaris.

Because Pharma savages purposefully hide their injurious vaxxine ingredients under a trade secret, I knew the only way to get to the bottom of the mystery of why Hydras and parasites are in the Covid Vaxx, is to read through the peer-reviewed literature. A tedious job that even evades experts.

I appeared on the Stew Peter’s Show on October 27, to break my findings.


Transgenic Hydra lines were developed for GAIN-and Loss-of-Function use in humans at the Wuhan Institute in China and funded by Anthony Fauci, the NIH, and partly by DARPA. Karen Kingston revealed on Stew Peter’s Show that the patents holders are Israeli Zionists.

Hydras and parasites are being first transfected with chimeric pathogens using Plasmid DNA (E. coli bacteria and fungus) to produce a new genetically modified line of Hydras. They are coded with the synthetic genetic sequences of the Lentivirus and Luciferase. These are the infamous “spike proteins” that are being coded into human cells using the Covid-19 “vaccination” program.

Lentivirus is a combination of SARS, MERS, HIV 1-3, and SRV-1 (AIDS). Luciferase is a luminescent Green Flourescent Protein reporter system that allows for the 24/7 tracking of hybrid humans (the vaxxed) through an external computer interface. These are GAIN-and-Loss-of-Function bioweapons.

Transgenic Hydra lines work as vectors, carrying the messenger RNA (mRNA) of the Lentivirus and Luciferase. The GMO Hydras polyps and parasite eggs are carried on the lipid coating of programmable nanoparticles which are delivered on Graphene Oxide sheets.

The coding of human cells with chimeric “spike proteins” through Reverse Genetics, is done by electroporation using programmable Gold Nanobots and CRISPR-Cas9. This technology is all part of an operating system that’s being shot into the veins of our children for the purpose of transfecting them with the most deadly pathogens ever created by governments.

Transgenic Hydra and parasites are assimilated into the human host through Homoplastic transplantation. Once human cells are coded with the artificial reporter genes, the cell signaling of the human alters permanently and synthesizes with the transgenic Hydras cell signaling, called Cantenin Signaling. The entire process of cloning ultimately constructs a new neural network and an artificial brain in humans, as well as a third strand to the DNA.

BLAST technology is being used to create new DNA sequences for cross-species genomics, and yes, this is cloning. The Covid Vaxx inserts an operating system enabling a computer interface that stores your internal data on an external database, for totalitarian control of transgenic humans (the vaxxed) using the Internet.

The operating system is gene silencing and knocking out the genetic sequences your patent holders don’t want you to have, while coding your cells with new, artificial genetic sequences through external interfaces. Essentially, they’re playing god’s. Your patent holders will be able to upregulate and downregulate your genetic sequences through external controls. This is called the “Hybrid Genome Assembly”.

The intended result of this genetic experiment is a mass die-off and rapid cloning of the human race to create an artificial hybridized species. Most people will become sterilized after Covid-19 inoculation and their lineage terminated, many will die and be exterminated because the human body cannot withstand this toxic experiment.

A small percentage of genetically cloned humans will be able to procreate but I strongly advise the vaxxed DO NOT PRODUCE OFFSPRING because they will not contain our God-given human genetic codes! Your offspring will not be human. If you want to have children for God’s sake, do not take the Mark Of The Beast. The operating system targets embryonic cells also cloning your offspring and thus hybridizing future generations. Cloned genetic mutations are always unpredictable so there is a great risk to your hybrid children.

A breaking news report from Mike Adams, The Health Ranger of Natural News, revealed a new scientific discovery that is indeed a “true horror”. Catch the Brighteon podcast.

Stunning new research published in Viruses, part of the SARS-CoV-2 Host Cell Interactions edition of MDPI (Open Access Journals) reveals that vaccine spike proteins enter cell nuclei and wreak havoc on cells’ DNA repair mechanism, suppressing DNA repair by as much as 90%.”

Make no mistake about it humanity is facing a totalitarian biological attack using a very advanced weapons system that contains programmable nanobots and GMO’d microscopic organisms. Everything I’m reporting here is open-source, viewable online, and linked into my article on Red Voice Media entitled, What’s In the Vaxx? Transgenic Hydra And Parasite Implants Used As Rapid Human Cloning weapon system.

Dr. Christiane Northrop appeared on Gene Decode with Nicholas Veniamin to discuss detox protocols. Nicholas revealed that organic/synthetic insect DNA is also being used in the vaxx and this is what’s causing Morgellons.

Health|Vaxxine Detox

Hardcore Visual Evidence of What Is in the Vaxx & What Happens to You

Hardcore Visual Evidence of What Is in the Vaxx & What Happens to You

By Newzealand Times


Find out about shedding, infertility, if any of those vaccines are safe or not, how to detox from the vaccine and what the agenda is behind this.

Dr. Robert O. Young, CPT, MSc., D.Sc., Ph.D., Naturopathic Practitioner shares real evidence of what is in the vaccines. He also shows what happens on a cellular level within the human body when it has been compromised by taking the shots.

Here’s what others had to say:

A phone company in the UK called O2, Vodafone also has the insignia 666 if you watch their ad’s closely. Bit like Apple’s logo, first sin of mankind and let’s not forget Google’s logo for Chrome, 666. Their code for Chrome is called Adreno, go figure, they hide NOTHING.

Unbelievable that this is hidden in plain sight.

years from now graphene will be looked at like mercury is today.
will people ever learn?
years ago it was harder to research but today …..

I hear that they’re putting graphene oxide in flu vaccines as well. So thats another one to avoid.

this covid experiement is not to advance a science, it is a demonic plot to depopulate and destroy humanity. These satanists believe the sames lies as satan believes that they can find eternal life and be like God, but they need to create human machines to do that…but we know that is not possible. They are only killing, stealing and destroying humanity to in hopes to achieve their demonic take over of humanity. They will die like everyone will die, but their eternity will be in hell, unless there is a chance for them to want to repent, and they won’t want to repent if they had committed the unforgivable sin.

Joel, fantastic, vivid and very interesting program. Very well prepared and shows you have good knowledge and intelligence. You got a master of the masters in your interview – Dr Young. Hopefully many people can see this.

Thank you for sharing all this important information. How this GT shots are destroying our meridian system or primo vascular system inside your bodies?
Now they are telling us that acupuncture meridians and acupoints have been discovered in the form of the Primo vascular system (PVS). A typical website trumpets “Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist.”

People everywhere need to ask, when presented with a needle…”Does this vaccine have MRC-5 in it?” These are aborted fetal cells and assorted DNA. If the answer is YES, you have a legal right to decline their offer…Now I will sit back and watch the video, folks….

Health|Vaxxine Detox

How To Neutralize Potential Damage From mRNA Vaxx

How To Neutralize Potential Damage From mRNA Vaxx

By Covid Global News

With the current irrational push to vaccinate the planet against COVID-19, a virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate, we feel it is important to discuss practical ways to “detox” and “neutralize” damage that is being done by these untested mRNA vaccines.

Interestingly, here in our home state of Tennessee, the COVID “mortality rate” has tripled, even though we lead the USA in vaccination rate. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Logical thinkers would deduce that the vaccine is responsible, sort of like when we see obesity rise in populations that eat lots of ice cream. But the irrational and illogical ‘mainstream media’ and ‘medical mafia’ will undoubtedly blame “anti-vaxxers” for the increase in deaths, which makes as much sense as blaming vegans for the increase in heart disease in people who eat hot dogs every day…

But let’s not get distracted by the facts or by logic!!

Despite the $4.5 billion in damages awarded by the Vaccine Court since 1986 …

Even though the Supreme Court described vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe” in 2011 …

Despite package inserts which prove that most vaccines contain known carcinogens and chemicals that cause neurological damage.

Those who dare to question vaccines are EVIL.


They must be BLAMED for the deaths of those who are vaccinated.

They must be CENSORED at all costs!  (OK, OK, enough sarcasm)

In all seriousness, this information might save someone’s life, so we wanted to share with you. It was provided by a physician who wishes to remain anonymous. The goal of this research is to help the body recover from damage and detoxify, stabilize, and cleanse the toxic ingredients from the body including hydrogels, luciferase, and nanobots as well as silence the messenger RNA (mRNA) contained in the COVID vaccine.

What is mRNA?

Messenger RNA (mRNA) mediates the transfer of genetic information from the cell nucleus to ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where it serves as a template for protein synthesis.


I know, this sounds like a bunch of scientific ‘gobbly-gook’ so let me translate for you.

We are made of cells.  Each cell contains millions of proteins. The instructions for making proteins are “written” in a cell’s DNA in the form of genes, which build proteins via transcription (“rewriting” the DNA sequence in the form of mRNA) and translation (“decoding” the mRNA and building the protein).

So, if the COVID vaccine uses mRNA to change your genetic code, then the key to preventing damage would logically be to interfere with the translation of the message, right?


The RNA Interference system (RNAi) is a mechanism by which cells control gene expression by shutting off translation of mRNA. RNAi can also be used to shut down translation of viral proteins when a cell is infected by a virus. The RNAi system also has the potential to be exploited therapeutically and can prevent the viral RNA from replicating.

Below are the TOP FIVE recommended substances to mitigate damage from mRNA vaccines (in no particular order).


An essential mineral, iodine is used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones that control many functions in the body including growth and development, repairing damaged cells and supporting a healthy metabolism.

Because your body does not produce iodine, it needs to be supplied in the diet. Iodine can also be used to detoxify toxic compounds and strongly increases the mRNA decay rate. Dietary iodine also controls its own absorption through regulation of the sodium/iodide (NIS) symporter, which protects the functions of the thyroid gland.

2 | ZINC 

Zinc enables the body to make proteins and DNA, contributes to wound healing, and plays a role in childhood growth and development. It also has antioxidant properties and plays an important role in cell-mediated immune function and modulates mRNA levels of cytokines.

Zinc has been shown to regulate gene transcription in cancer cells, plus zinc globally down-regulates microRNA expression and key enzymes and proteins necessary for microRNA maturation and stability. Lastly, zinc-finger protein serrate is among the plant compounds that may silence mRNA


Quercetin, a flavonoid with multiple proven health benefits to both man and animals, displays a plethora of biological activities.

Quercetin-treated neutrophils exhibited a remarkable suppression in mRNA expression of various proinflammatory genes.

One of the lesser-known and recently discovered roles of quercetin, is modulation of microRNA (miRNA) expression, which plays a vital role in health and disease.


(Nano-Carbon Activated Charcoal) 

Carbon 60 (C60) is a naturally occurring molecule comprised of 60 carbon atoms forming something that looks like a hollow soccer ball.  The scientific name for C60 is “Buckminsterfullerene” and it is the only molecule of a single element to form a spherical cage, and it may be the most powerful antioxidant yet known, performing the antioxidant action of Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione, Catalase, and COQ10.

Over the past 13 years, the “Supercharged” C60 fullerene molecule has been examined, tested and characterized by no less than 15 universities and 5 federally certified research laboratories, resulting in more than “600 evaluations.”

There has also been considerable positive research conducted regarding Supercharged C60 potential uses in electromagnetic field (EMF) absorption. The Supercharged C60 molecule is a nanocarbon material that exhibits incredibly potent antioxidant properties that may augment the body’s ability to manage oxidative stress in both healthy and diseased states.

Studies indicate that carbon nanocarriers can deliver small interfering RNA (siRNA) and enable a myriad of plant biotechnology mRNA applications, internalize into cells and subsequent gene silencing efficiency,  and are critical for efficient gene knockdown.

5 | PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinine)

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a powerful antioxidant and cellular energy booster that works to support the health of your energy-producing mitochondria, protecting them from oxidative damage, even helping you grow new mitochondria. PQQ is actually the only nutrient on earth known to be capable of generating new mitochondria.

PQQ is contained in fruits and vegetables and in human breast milk and is a plant growth factor and bacterial cofactor.  Studies have shown that PQQ disodium salt (BioPQQ™) has positive effects on cognitive function and may have a protective effect on UVA irradiation-induced aging.


As pressure to be vaccinated for COVID mounts, it will be vital to discover methods to mitigate damage, especially for those who are required to be vaccinated due to employer requirements or other reasons.

In summary, the five substances discussed above are as follows, along with links to recommended sources:

  1. Iodine
  2. Zinc
  3. Quercetin
  4. Supercharged C60
  5. PQQ

Also, water only fasting (for 1 week) has been shown to repair DNA damage and silence foreign mRNA. And taking full spectrum hemp extract is another excellent suggestion due to the positive effects on our endocannabinoid system, which regulate almost every internal function. We take this organic hemp extract every day!

Interestingly, Merck abandoned development of two COVID vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing natural antibodies. On January 25th, they announced that the vaccines generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection.

Recently a CNA nursing home whistleblower went public and shared his experience that seniors are “dying like flies” after taking their COVID-19 jabs. Sadly, these seniors are being required to take vaccines for a “virus” that updated CDC analysis shows is actually less dangerous… than living!

Health|Vaxxine Detox

How to eliminate mercury, lead and other toxins from your body safely, (many from Vaxx’s that can end up causing brain cancers)

How to eliminate mercury, lead and other toxins from your body safely, (many from Vaxx’s that can end up causing brain cancers)

Many naturopaths and those seeking natural alternatives especially for the toxins not just in our environment but many from vaxx’s are using the following simple inexpensive product

Zeolite Clinoptilolite: The Miracle Mineral for Detox

  • Flush heavy metals from the body, including toxic lead (5)
  • Provide alkalizing minerals to support a healthy pH
  • Protect kidney function by detoxing heavy metals (6)
  • Strengthen the immune system through removing toxins (7)
  • Protect against leaky gut by strengthening the intestinal wall (8)
  • And much more, as extensive clinical research shows (9)

The detoxification and health benefits of the zeolite Clinoptilolite are astounding. It’s hundreds of times more effective than activated charcoal, a commonly known and used detoxifier that can detox the gut but comes with harsh side effects.

The Most Effective Zeolite on the Market Backed by Science

After doing extensive research, we discovered Pure Body Extra by a company called Touchstone Essentials. Their cleansing process and nanosizing technology is hands-down the most advanced we’ve seen, yielding the only zeolite on the market that can effectively detoxify the entire body on a cellular level.

This zeolite uses nanosized Clinoptilolite to access toxins everywhere in the body. These particles are so small they are invisible to the naked eye and need to be magnified thousand-fold. And it’s backed up by the gold standard in instrumentation – Malvern particle size testing.

This nanometer size means they can get to a cellular level, and it also means the collective surface area of the zeolite particles creates a vast filter that mops up toxins within hours.

And because these zeolite particles are encapsulated within water molecule clusters, it is delivered in a liquid spray that is easy to use (just a few sprays, morning, noon, and night) with no odor, no taste, and no hassle.

Pure Body Extra has also been cleansed of existing pollutants so that it more effectively removes heavy metals throughout your body. This is all proven with third-party independent clinical testing. Not only that, the zeolite particles are pre-filled with alkalizing minerals. That way, the zeolite “swaps” a beneficial mineral for a toxin every time.

A Special Offer for Our Readers Only

Normally, this remarkable detoxifier sells on their website for $79.95, which is why we were shocked when Touchstone said they’d offer it to our readers for just $5. They’ll even include free shipping. We asked them how they could possibly offer it at such a low price, and this is what the company said.

“We’re on a mission to touch one million families with goodness. We know if we just get the product in people’s hands, the results are so good, people reorder it again and again. We’re happy to make a difference in people’s lives.”

But it gets better.

When you subscribe to a monthly shipment today, not only is your first bottle $5, but you’ll lock in a 20% off member discount and free shipping every month after that.

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Best of all, there’s zero risk. You can cancel your subscription any time (before the next shipment), or return your shipment within 30 days for a full refund. They’ll even refund your $5 if you’re not happy with the product, less return shipping of course.

Imagine being free of disease-causing heavy metals, nitrosamines, volatile organic compounds, and pesticides in just 30 seconds a day, with no harsh side effects.

Hurry, It’s Only Available to the First 500 People

There is absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain. But you have to hurry, there are only 500 reserved and at only $5, they’re selling quickly. We will run out soon.

 Claim Your $5 Bottle of Pure Body Extra Now

In today’s toxin-filled world, our body’s detoxification system simply can’t keep up with the daily onslaught. We all need to reduce our toxin load if we want to live happy, healthy lives.

Pure Body Extra will give you a way to free yourself of toxins, alkalize the body, strengthen your immunity and much more.

Health|Vaxxine Detox

Facebook Just Shut Down Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Page With 375,000 Followers!

Facebook Just Shut Down Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Page With 375,000 Followers!

By Larry Cook

Unfortunately, Facebook has taken out another medical freedom activist, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.

Dr. Tenpenny has been in this fight against medical tyranny for a long time, and has been sounding the alarm about vaccines being neither safe nor effective for a couple decades now. Her website is VAXXTER​ (bookmark her website). Feel free to join her email list.

So, to recap, my Stop Mandatory Vaccination​ Facebook Page was shut down, Sayer Ji’s GreenMedInfo Facebook Page was shut down, Del Bigtree’s Highwire Facebook Page was shut down, and Dr. Tenpenney’s VAXXTER Facebook Page was shut down right before Christmas. I know there are others, like Dr. Baker, Chiropractor, who had his Page shut down many months ago. Collectively, we had reached tens of millions of people per month with our messaging about vaccines and other related topics – now terminated by the Deep State.

We know more Facebook Pages, Groups and accounts will be deleted. I want to remind you that FACEBOOK is the INFORMATION BATTLEFIELD along with TWITTER because of the massive number of people who use those two platforms. We are CENSORED because THAT is where we make an IMPACT on those who still have common sense and who will come to our side if given the TRUTH.

This means individual users, like yourself (if you are still on Facebook), must continue our advocacy work ON FACEBOOK (and Twitter) by posting frequently on your own timeline, making and accepting friend requests, and posting PUBLICLY so that your efforts reach more people. Remember, they plan to force vaccinate you – one way or another.

Just consider: in New Zealand they are setting up COVID concentration camps and this is planned for every country​.

​So, do the work now, while you still can, before you wind up in a camp, force vaccinated, jailed, or simply killed for believing in freedom. Now you understand why we value the 2nd Amendment here in the USA. The Deep State wants you and your children either 1) as a slave, or 2) dead. That’s it. There is no in-between.

​So fight back while you can.

Finally, in the last week I’ve had two or three people tell me that the Pure Body Extra Strength Zeolite Detox has cleared their brain fog. It’s a great detox formula and you can try your first bottle for $50 off. Get all the details and review the many real user experiences by clicking right here – it’s helped a lot of people and it can help you and your family too.

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