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Covid 19|Steve Kirsch

Denmark Will Stop Promoting C0VID Vaxxinations on May 15, 2022

Denmark Will Stop Promoting C0VID Vaxxinations on May 15, 2022

By Steve Kirsch

They realize stopping the spread is useless. They are stopping all promotion of the COVID vaccines on May 15, 2022, the first country to do so.

Watch this video by Dr. John Campbell about Denmark’s COVID policies starting at 3:00 to 4:00. He says towards the end of the minute, “Isn’t it great to see a national medical leader with the sheer guts to reflect the accurate science. It’s just excellent. Very, very pleased to see the courage that Tyra Krause has demonstrated.”

What’s remarkable is this: the video has been up for more than 24 hours and has not been banned from YouTube.

That means what Campbell said is, by definition, not misinformation.

So now we know that starting with omicron, it is impossible to stop the spread of infection, even with severe restrictions!

Denmark is stopping all vaccinations on May 15, 2022, the first country to do so

See this story.

But let’s be clear: anyone that wants the vaccine can still get it. The change is that the government will stop sending out digital posts with invitations to get the vaccine. See this tweet.

And they reserve the right to start promoting it again.

So even in Denmark, they are still not paying attention to the science (see my article on the three papers if you haven’t already) and haven’t realized the vaccines are dangerous (even though the key paper on zero ACM is from Denmark).

But at least they are willing to take the first baby step and stop promoting it.

Jesse Morgan wrote in the comments:

Denmark is moving in the right direction, but still won’t mention anything negative about these vaccines. Doing so may be a bit too much too fast for them. Perhaps they are unboiling the frog? Let’s hope.

Or, in the immortal words of my good friend Sage Hana (who summarized it perfectly):

Denmark will suspend vaccine invitations, jabs still available, and will probably be back in the Fall, even if they don’t work and Omicron is impossible to stop.

Other countries should follow Denmark’s lead and stop vaccinations. This is validated by YouTube!

Campbell then says (at 4:19), “As soon as other countries follow this lead, the better.”

Again, this was not censored by YouTube so this is also true.

YouTube approved!

So there you go. YouTube has affirmed that:

  1. It is useless to stop the spread of the virus, even with severe restrictions
  2. Vaccination promotion will stop on May 15, and as soon as other countries follow this lead, the better.

As we all know, there is no higher authority on health information than the YouTube censors. So there you have it.


So now we have signs of intelligent life in both Tennessee and Denmark.

Tennessee has made ivermectin available without a prescription and Denmark has realized mitigation is useless and is stopping vaccination promotion.

It’s a good start.

But just to be on the safe side, I’d like to suggest you watch Campbell’s video on YouTube before they take it down.

After all, nowadays, the science can change in minutes.

Covid 19|Steve Kirsch

The #1 Most Important Thing You Can Do to STOP the C0VID Insanity

The #1 Most Important Thing You Can Do to STOP the C0VID Insanity

By Steve Kirsch

We need to ensure that Senator Ron Johnson is reelected and that the Republicans control the Senate so that Johnson can hold the CDC, FDA, and NIH accountable for their actions.

Dr. Malone has a detailed writeup on Senator Johnson, so I’m going to make my appeal short and sweet.

Senator Johnson is awesome. We need to re-elect him.

Senator Johnson is our single best hope of stopping the insanity. NOBODY else in Congress comes close. He is the only guy in Congress that gives a damn about the vaccine injured. The rest are in complete denial that the vaccine could hurt anyone.

He needs to be re-elected and the Republicans need to take control of the Senate. Then we have a good chance to stop the vaccines and end the insanity.

Please give generously to Ron’s campaign. This is the single most important thing you can do. Period. Full stop.

My wife and I are both Democrats but we both are maxing out to his campaign ($5,800 each since it is $2,900 for the primary and $2,900 for the general).

I consider this to be the most important donation in my life.

Everyone reading this in the US, please donate now

Please use this donation link to make your contribution so we can track our success in raising funds for Senator Johnson.

Note: You can only donate if you live here. Foreign donations aren’t allowed.

If everyone reading this makes a $50 donation, that will raise millions for Senator Johnson. If you can give more, please do because not everyone will give.

The maximum donation per person is $5,800 (one for the primary, the other for the general) and you can make it all at once. So a husband and wife team can give up to $11,600. My wife and I gave the maximum.

If you donate $500 or more, you’ll be invited to an exclusive zoom call with the Senator on April 26 at 7:30pm EST

If you use the link and donate $500 or more, you’ll be invited to an exclusive 1-hour Zoom call with the Senator on April 26, 2022 at 7:30pm EST where you’ll be able to personally interact with and ask questions or make comments. This is available to my followers only and you must use the link to qualify.


If you have reservations about Republicans or politics in general, here’s a comment from one of my readers that may help. The point is there are no perfect solutions that will please everyone but Senator Johnson has done more for our cause than anyone else in Congress:

All true, no doubt, and the Republicans deserve no trust, least of all Trump, but maybe Ron Johnson does deserve support for the upcoming election, even from Democrats and even if only pragmatically, for having organized his “Second Opinion” hearings. Just doing this (nobody else did in Congress) justifies support, given the seriousness of the vaccine issue, and, if reelected, hopefully he will persevere on this path. As for the Democratic Party, maybe they will become electable again in the distant future when they have cleaned house (a new leadership) and got their priorities right.

Another reader wrote:

I trust very few political leaders today. That being said, Senator Johnson has been one of the few that has been right about the vaccines…from the beginning. He is not a late comer to the truth.

The other interesting piece of evidence is that since I’m on the Democrats email list, I know who they are targeting and Ron Johnson is the Republican they most want to defeat because he is the greatest risk to them of exposing the false narrative they created.

Covid 19|Steve Kirsch

VSRF Call Thurs: Personal Injury Lawsuits and the C0VID Vaxxine

VSRF Call Thurs: Personal Injury Lawsuits and the C0VID Vaxxine

By Steve Kirsch

Watch the Promo Video Here

Big Pharma companies have a total and complete exemption from lawsuits as a result of any and all injury and death that result from taking their experimental injection.  This has led many vaccine injured to believe that they have no recourse to civil litigation as a result of being forced by their school, their employer, their local government, to take the jab.  This has led to a great many more vaccine injured just keeping silent about their injuries because….”what’s the point?”

We were also told, by The New York Times last November that

Employers  mandating vaccines  are adhering to OSHA’s requirements and most likely can’t be held liable for any adverse effects. Covid-19 vaccines carry little known risk.”

  • OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate: Your Questions Answered – The New York Times (

But back in May of 2021, OSHA told Employers that they could be liable for COVID vaccine related injuries when these vaccines were mandated as a condition of employment.

  • OSHA: Employers May Be Held Liable for ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ if They Mandate COVID Vaccines • Children’s Health Defense (

Then something amazing happened.  This totally disappeared from OSHA’s website, to be replaced with its declaration that it was no longer collecting information on mandated employee vaccine injuries because it didn’t want to encourage vaccine hesitancy.

Just to make this clear, the Federal agency tasked with keeping workers safe from their employers exempts employers from keeping records on vaccine injuries of workers.

On the VSRF show this Thursday, 7pm Eastern, I’ll be speaking with expert Civil Litigator Robert Krakow, who is representing the vaccine injured in all 50 states, Mother of 3 and vaccine injured Nikki Holland, and author Wayne Rohde who wrote the definitive work on the corruption within our vaccine injury compensation programs.

Defeat the Mandates (April 10, Los Angeles)

We’ll also have updates on the Defeat The Mandate’s Rally coming up on Sunday, April 10th in Grand Park, Los Angeles.

Learn More about the Rally:

Register for the VSRF Webinar tomorrow night at 7pm Eastern at

Covid 19|Steve Kirsch

VSRF Call Today: Fighting University C0VID Mandates

VSRF Call Today: Fighting University C0VID Mandates

By Steve Kirsch

This one highlights five people who are fighting for sanity and science to prevail. We’ll find out how things are going.

Of all the absurd lockdown and mandate policies in the US over the past two years, none outshine what American colleges and universities are doing to their students.

18-21 year olds remain one of the least at-risk demographic groups for severe Covid impacts, including hospitalization and death…

CDC COVID Data Tracker

…yet have to live under the most restrictive and authoritarian policies (on and off campus) in the country. Enforced by a growing mandate bureaucracy entrenching itself within university administration.

On this week’s VSRF call, Thursday, February 24 at 7pm Eastern, we’re going to speak with 4 leaders in the movement to get rid of these expensive, useless and anti-social mandates.

  • Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD.  Chief Medical Ethicist at the Unity Project and former UC Irvine Professor who was fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Farewell, University of California – by Aaron Kheriaty, MD (

  • Peter Ireland, PhD, the Murray and Monti Professor in the Department of Economics at Boston College.

Peter Ireland – Economics – Morrissey College of Arts & Science – Boston College (

  • Joni McGary & Luci Sinatra, Founders of No College Mandates
  • And Eden Negussie, UChicago sophomore and Chicago Thinker senior opinion editor. I’m hoping she can put me in touch with Daniel Schmidt who was fired from the “mainstream” student newspaper (The Chicago Maroon) for challenging another student to debate the science of mask wearing.

We’ll take your questions in what should be a vigorous discussion.

All of these people are fighting for sanity and need our support

Covid 19|Steve Kirsch

If the C0VID Vaxxines Really Worked, You’d Only Need One Shot

If the C0VID Vaxxines Really Worked, You’d Only Need One Shot

By Steve Kirsch

I’ve pointed out in previous posts that the COVID vaccines aren’t suitable for anyone; they are neither safe nor effective: they kill more people than they save and vaccine efficacy goes negative after 90 days making you more likely to be infected.

Here’s another obvious telltale sign that we are being sold a solution that fundamentally doesn’t work as expected.

The whole point of a vaccine is to expose your body to a disabled pathogen so that your body can learn how to attack it so that the next time it sees it, it can mount an attack much faster.

When you get naturally infected, your immunity is basically one and done. In fact, recent data shows that as time goes on, your immunity gets better over time, not worse (the line slopes upward).

The fact that multiple doses of the COVID vaccine are required is a crystal clear indication that the vaccine isn’t working properly.

If natural infection gives you long-lived or lifetime immunity, so should this vaccine. If it doesn’t, you should rethink getting injected.

Now you have one more reason to avoid the jab.

Covid 19|Steve Kirsch

Observations From an Experienced Nurse About the C0VID Vaxxines

Observations From an Experienced Nurse About the C0VID Vaxxines

By Steve Kirsch

One of my nurse friends forwarded this note to me. It was originally written by a nurse, but the source is unknown, probably out of fear of retribution.

Among all the vaccines I have known in my life (diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis, meningitis, flu, and pneumonia, and tuberculosis) I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated.

I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination.

I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated.

I never saw discrimination for those who didn’t.

If you haven’t been vaccinated no one has tried to make you feel like a bad person.

I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends.

I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school.

I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent.

After all the vaccines I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society as it is.

And as the social fabric tightens… It’s a powerful vaccine! It does all these things except IMMUNIZATION.

If we still need a booster dose after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to get a negative test after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to wear a mask after we are fully vaccinated, and still be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated, it will likely come to “It’s time for us to admit that we’ve been completely deceived.”

I think she forgot to mention that she’s probably also never seen:

  1. a vaccine which makes it more likely you’ll be infected by the virus they are trying to protect you from (after a brief efficacy period). See Incriminating evidence for all the studies showing this.
  2. a vaccine which helps other latent viruses or cancers to re-emerge with a vengeance
  3. a vaccine which has killed at least 150,000 previously healthy Americans
  4. a vaccine with over 20,000 deaths reported into VAERS and the CDC can’t find a single death that was due to the vaccine
  5. lockdowns for the unvaccinated that can last for years to come


Covid 19|Steve Kirsch

C0VID Is a Very Treatable Disease if It Is Treated Early Using an Early Treatment Protocol

C0VID Is a Very Treatable Disease if It Is Treated Early Using an Early Treatment Protocol

By Steve Kirsch

Tyson & Fareed treated 7,000 COVID patients since March 2020 using early treatment protocols. For patients who started treatment <7 days after first symptoms, there were 2 hospitalizations, 0 deaths.

COVID is a very treatable disease if it is treated early using an early treatment protocol. There are lots of such protocols that are highly successful. This new book documents one such protocol.

Since March of 2020, Brian Tyson and George Fareed, two physicians with impeccable credentials, have been treating COVID patients of all ages in Imperial Valley, CA using early treatment protocols.

Their track record is extraordinary. If you started treatment within 7 days of first symptoms, only 2 people were briefly hospitalized and there were no deaths.

They even published the whole protocol more than a year ago in December 2020 for everyone to see. It was pretty much ignored.

The earlier you start treatment, the better the results and the faster you recover.

Their book is now available on Amazon (if you buy it now on Kindle for $5.95, it will be delivered Jan 24). It is a #1 best seller as you can see below.

The entire pandemic response was unnecessary: COVID is very treatable if treated early

This book shows that we’ve known about effective treatments since March 2020.

Had the CDC publicized such treatments, it would have made the entire pandemic response completely unnecessary: lockdowns, vaccines, mandates, masking, business closures, etc. Everyone would have gotten natural immunity and the pandemic would have ended with virtually no deaths.

Tyson and Freed tried contacting the FDA, CDC, and NIH, but nobody would talk to them or return their calls. The same is true today. They are just “too busy” to talk to them. Keeping patients out of the hospital and morgue is not a priority for them.

The same is true of the mainstream media. The NY Times refused to run op-eds about early treatments and CNN said that they were too busy covering the vaccines and people dying from COVID that they didn’t have the resources to talk about early treatment protocol that would have prevented everything.

Instead of promoting early treatment using repurposed drugs, the CDC instructed people to just stay home and do nothing until they were so sick that they had to go to the hospital. Even after drugs in the Tyson/Fareed protocol like ivermectin and fluvoxamine have been proven time and time again to work in clinical trials and, in the case of ivermectin, published in systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the NIH still fails to acknowledge them rating them NEUTRAL. This means that most doctors will not use them.

On May 24, 2021, I offered $2M to anyone who could show that the NIH made the proper decision on these two drugs, but nobody came forward.

In short, nobody in the world thought they made the right decision (or at least could justify it). But they are the authorities and we cannot question their judgement, ever.

The CDC doesn’t want you to share this post with anyone

The CDC would like you to know the following:

  1. You need to follow our advice. Do not think. Do not ask questions. Just do as you’re told. We are the CDC and we always know best.
  2. Trust us: early treatments don’t work. Ignore all the data from these physicians. Even though we’ve never even talked to them or looked at their data, we know they are wrong. We don’t even have to look at their data to know that they are wrong. The data does not matter. It is our opinion that matters. Got it?
  3. Do not share this post with anyone, especially your doctor, anyone in mainstream media, or Congress. Do not to do anything to disrupt Big Pharma’s profits.
  4. Even if you did share it, nobody would believe you anyway; they will think you are crazy. We have totally brainwashed pretty much everyone except for a relatively small number of people.
  5. Don’t read the book. This book will destroy our credibility as well as that of the NIH and FDA. You may not be able to deal with the cognitive dissonance. Just do what we say. Don’t worry, be happy.
  6. If you feel you must read the book, ask your doctor to prescribe Versed and take it as directed before you read the book. That way, after you are done reading it, you won’t remember anything.
  7. If the public finds out about this book, a lot of people are going to be very upset about how they’ve been fooled. You wouldn’t want that to happen now, would you?

Covid 19|Steve Kirsch

IVF Clinics Say Miscarriages and Other Reproductive Abnormalities Skyrocketed Right After Cov “Vaxxines” Were Unleashed

IVF Clinics Say Miscarriages and Other Reproductive Abnormalities Skyrocketed Right After Cov “Vaxxines” Were Unleashed

By Ethan Huff

Ever since around March of this year, in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics have seen a massive surge in miscarriages and other serious problems, all apparently stemming from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

American entrepreneur Steve Kirsch says an “informant” told him that rates of miscarriage have basically doubled ever since the Operation Warp Speed injections were unleashed by Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump.

A Ph.D. was brought into the clinic where the informant reportedly works, her job being to look at “every possible variable” that might have impacted this rapid spike – all possible variables except for one, it turns out.

The Operation Warp Speed jabs were completely excluded from the investigation, which led the Ph.D. to claim that “nothing was common” to all of these women. She basically concluded that the phenomenon is a “fluke” without explanation.

There is a big elephant in the room, though, and that is the vaccines. The IVF clinic problems really ramped up right at the same time that the shots started getting pushed by fake “president” Joe Biden.

A 42-page report produced by the Health Independence Alliance explains that due to the vaccine, the miscarriage rate jumped from 28 percent to 40 percent, a 43 percent increase.

The report also contains detailed stories about disabilities, deaths and a wide range of other adverse events clearly stemming from the injections.

“Conclusion: The vaccines should be immediately stopped,” Kirsch writes about the report’s findings.

IVF workers are now spotting “unknown contaminants” in embryo wells

From March through May, the miscarriage rate actually jumped by over 50 percent. Clinic workers say they have never seen anything like this before, and it all occurred right after the jabs were released.

Keep in mind that IVF clinics do not track anyone’s vaccination status. It is their perspective that the jabs are completely “safe and effective,” so they are not even a consideration when it comes to tracking changes in reproductive patterns.

Even so, there were some very abrupt changes that occurred immediately as millions of Americans were rolling up their sleeves in order to “Build Back Better” (6uild 6ack 6etter), as Biden’s post-plandemic agenda is called.

“One woman had very reliably donated 30 or more eggs each time she came in which yielded 5 to 8 embryos,” Kirsch writes about one specific case. “In May, she got her second shot of the vaccine and then came in to donate a couple of weeks later.”

“The clinic was shocked: All of the embryos had all arrested when they checked them on day 5. None of them reached the stage where the trophectoderm forms. I’m told this sort of thing is exactly what you’d expect from the vaccine.”

There are also “unknown contaminants” reportedly being spotted in the wells with the embryos. The presence of these contaminants really started ramping up around August, Kirsch reports.

Despite all this, IVF clinics are not reporting these problems publicly. Instead, internal whistleblowers are having to come forward to spill the beans because their superiors and the companies that employ them apparently want to keep the truth under wraps.

“What kind of medical practitioners would allow anyone to use an IVF clinic with no safety data on the gene altering injections,” asked one reader at Kirsch’s Substack. “Surely this is malpractice.”

“This just happened to me and my wife last week,” wrote another.

“Had 12 good embryos at day 3 – everything looked great. Then development stopped. At day 5, none had progressed to a satisfactory point. We’re both young, healthy, etc. I’m a dirty unvaxxed. She had 2 shots of Pfizer this spring.”

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